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The Disruptors Playbook Finding Your Unfair Advantage

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The Disruptors Playbook Finding Your Unfair Advantage

Hiroki Takeuchi (GoCardless) & Sinead Fitzmaurice (TransferMate), expertly moderated by Micky Tesfaye (Money20/20), weren't just sharing platitudes. They dissected how they built billion-dollar businesses, offering actionable insights beyond the usual "disrupt or die" mantras.

Key takeaways for founders & funders:

  • Find the REAL pain points: Don't just chase trends. Target inefficiencies where traditional players are slow to adapt. That's where your growth potential lies.

  • Value prop isn't a buzzword: It's about offering something TRULY unique. Your features need to solve a problem in a way no one else does.

  • Culture eats strategy for breakfast: Attract top talent, but then foster an environment where they can keep learning & adapting.

Want the full story? Check out the full video - it's packed with insights to fuel your next investment or startup strategy.

#fintech #venturecapital #Money2020 #disruption #innovation

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